When I tried contacting support they told me that the game is 'currently unavailable in my area' which I don't even understand considering every store around me has it and it's a shipment so it being available in my area or not shouldn't matter.
There's not even an estimated delivery date. Yesterday, I come to find out that Best Buy will not be delivering it today and in fact, have not even shipped the game yet. I had one day this week where I could sit down and play Super Monkey Ball and get to relive one of my favorite games of all time and I was looking forward to playing it today. Best Buy, Amazon, GameStop, none of it matters. Since then, I've noticed more often than not, my games do not arrive on release day despite all of the promises these companies feed you. 'No big deal though,' I thought, it was a one time thing and I lived on a college campus at the time so mail was always a bit iffy.
It was the game I purchased a Switch to play and I was really looking forward to playing it that weekend. Everything went fine for the first few games and then I was heartbroken when Super Mario Odyssey delivered 4 days late. A few years ago I transitioned to pre-ordering my games online through Best Buy because I had GCU, so I would pre-order and have them delivered.